“It’s Time for You to Ask the Questions!”

It’s Time to Put Your Strengths to Work in Your Interview – Part 6 Until now, the questions we have considered in the interview process are ones that you, the candidate, are supposed to be prepared to answer. The questions addressed in this post are those that you need to be prepared to ask. No …

It’s Time to Put Your Strengths to Work for Your Interview – Part 4

Personality Questions: What You Know Begins to Meet Who You Are My last article about interviews began to address questions about you as an individual versus you as a collection of skills. Opinion, quirky and stress type questions were covered in that last article. Two other important varieties of individual questions are personality and behavior …

It’s Time to Put Your Strengths to Work for Your Interview – Part 3

In my last post, the interview questions discussed centered around your work experience, the areas of abilities, qualifications, and knowledge. If you missed that or need a refresher, please go here. In this post, I’ll discuss questions concerning you as an individual. The line between the two is not always precise. Some life experiences questions …

It’s Time to Put Your Strengths to Work for Your Interview – part 2

This post is the second part of a short series on interviewing. The first post can be found here. If you haven’t read it or need to refresh your memory, give it a review before delving into this post about types of interview questions. Interview Questions: Types and Answers When you answer any interview question, …

It’s Time to Put Your Strengths to Work for Your Interview

Part 1 Job interviews scare the heck out of people. They make them anxious, worried, catatonic. Let’s call it “interview anxiety”. The victim of this affliction is persuaded to believe that she cannot succeed at this unavoidable event (everybody has to interview) and is probably setting herself up for failure.   Please note, failure is …

It’s Time to Put Your References to Work

If you came to you and asked nicely, would you recommend yourself?  If you were you, would you have responded positively to your request for a reference? Would you be able to provide a positive description of yourself to help you find a job? Think about that when you ask for a reference. What would …

It’s Time to Work Around Your Weaknesses

If there are Strengths, then there must be weaknesses. Otherwise, you would always be succeeding. I feel confident in saying, none of us, is always succeeding. Even if your track record is very good, there are ways in which you can improve. So, what are you going to do about your weaknesses? First, what do …

It’s Time to Put Your Skills, Talents, Strengths (and even Weaknesses) to Work! (Once you figure out what they are).

Why should you be interested in taking the CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) assessment? Because the CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) assessment reveals your Strengths’ profile, providing you with your top five Strengths. Actually, the assessment reveals your top five talents. That would be the top five talents out of 34 possible talents. So why isn’t it called the CliftonTalents assessment? …

It’s Time to Put Your Strengths to Work: Why Hire a Coach?

Hiring a Career, Life or Executive coach usually starts when a nagging problem or an unobtained goal begins to bother you. “I need to find a more rewarding career.” “I need to get along better with my coworkers.” “What makes me tick?” “Why can’t I communicate with my parents, spouse, kids?” “How can I lead?” …

It’s Time to Put Your Strengths to Work: Rejection and the Job Search

Whatever the case, you want a new job.
Be forewarned, you may be setting yourself up for rejection. This is most likely
not your first dance with this fickle but seemingly finite partner. Whether
overt or covert, rejection is something no one wants but almost all are forced
to face.
You are better prepared for rejection than you may think, because you’ve been dealing with it all your life.